

What professionals say about the bodyCushion.


Basic Applications:

Tom Owens, inventor and developer of the bodyCushion, takes you through the basics of positioning on the bodyCushion. Includes face down, face up, side-lying, and seated positions. Also includes instructions for draping and rolling over. This video is in 4 parts.

Positioning For Soft Tissue Work:

Tom Owens, inventor and developer of the bodyCushion, demonstrates a variety of positioning enhancements for soft tissue work. Includes face up, face down, side-lying, and seated positioning, plus special positioning techniques with the Adjuster Caddy Set and the Arm Rests. This video is in 3 parts.

Positioning For Pregnancy:

Tom Owens, inventor and developer of the bodyCushion, takes you through pregnancy positioning on the bodyCushion. Includes detailed instructions for face down and side-lying pregnancy positioning. This video is in 3 parts.

Applying A Massage with the bodyCushion:

Tom Owens, inventor and developer of the bodyCushion, shares his personal methods of applying a massage with the bodyCushion. This video takes you step by step through a full body massage on the bodyCushion. Includes face up and face down positioning, draping, and special massage techniques made possible with the bodyCushion, This video is in 4 parts.